What's a Phoenix Wellness Reset?

Program begins September 1st, 2023. Sign up before September 1st to get 50% off your first month. Use code wellness50 at checkout. Are you a dynamic female professional looking for a space to release feelings of stress & anxiety? Are you grappling with racing thoughts? Are you juggling multiple responsibilities such as a career, motherhood, relationship, and/or health issues? When life feels overwhelming, it's time for a Phoenix Wellness Reset. Our resets provide a fun, structured, & professional space to heal. We offer grace while you ground, reset, & grow. From parenting stressors, life-changing experiences, demanding careers, or all of the above, a reset helps you turn within to gain self-control, clarity, strength, confidence, resilience, compassion, and so much more! Your "Radical Self-Care Schedule" includes bi-weekly yoga, meditation, monthly fitness, & more! We provide flexibility & diverse schedule options. If you are an ambitious woman looking for a space to improve your self-care skills and boost your mental wellness, this space is created just for you! Monthly Offerings: -(Bi-Weekly) 30-Minute Fitness Sessions -(Bi-Weekly) 30-Minute Yoga Sessions -(Weekly) 15-Minute Breathwork/Meditation Sessions -(Monthly) Wellness Newsletter/Blog - Curated with tools & tips on work-life balance -Access to a pre-recorded wellness library -(Quarterly) Leadership Workshops: Discover the impact of your Wellness Journey on business/career vitality and learn from inspiring leaders. Your BONUS Wellness Resources -Digital Wellness Journal -Detox Check List -Online Community -Monthly Wellness Newsletter -Wellness Play List In this program, members enjoy remarkable benefits, tripling their ROI with monthly savings of $800. For the unbeatable price of $99.00 per month, you gain access to services valued at $899 per month. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to invest in your well-being and witness the positive transformation it brings to your life.


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About our courses

Expert instructors: Live sessions such as fitness, yoga, meditation, & more.

   Wellness Resources: Enjoy our immersive wellness newsletters & mental health resources.

Pre-recorded video library: Explore sessions on your own & enhance your personal practice.

Quarterly workshops: Listen to experts share their wellness journey & self development tips.

Phoenix Wellness Reset

You deserve a place to heal.

Ready to reset?

Register now & enjoy 50% off your 1st month of membership.